'UTC转换为北京时间 函数可直接调用
Function UTCToBeijing(UTCyear As Long, UTCmonth As Long, UTCday As Long, UTChour As Long) As String
Dim year As Long, month As Long, day As Long, hour As Long, lastday As Long, lastlastday As Long
year = 0: month = 0: day = 0: hour = 0
lastday = 0 ' 月的最后一天日期
lastlastday = 0 '上月的最后一天日期
year = UTCyear
month = UTCmonth
day = UTCday
hour = UTChour + 8 'UTC+8转换为北京时间
If (month = 1 Or month = 3 Or month = 5 Or month = 7 Or month = 8 Or month = 10 Or month = 12) Then
lastday = 31
If month = 3 Then
If year Mod 400 = 0 Or (year Mod 4 = 0 And year Mod 100 <> 0) Then '判断是否为闰年
lastlastday = 29 '闰年的2月为29天,平年为28天
lastlastday = 28
End If
End If
If month = 8 Then
lastlastday = 31
End If
If month = 4 Or month = 6 Or month = 9 Or month = 11 Then
lastday = 30
lastlastday = 31
lastlastday = 31
If year Mod 400 = 0 Or (year Mod 4 = 0 And year Mod 100 <> 0) Then '闰年的2月为29天,平年为28天
lastday = 29
lastday = 28
End If
End If
End If
If hour >= 24 Then '当算出的时大于或等于24:00时,应减去24:00,日期加一天
hour = hour - 24
day = day + 1
If day > lastday Then '当算出的日期大于该月最后一天时,应减去该月最后一天的日期,月份加上一个月
day = day - lastday
month = month + 1
If month > 12 Then '当算出的月份大于12,应减去12,年份加上1年
month = month - 12
year = year + 1
End If
End If
End If
UTCToBeijing = CStr(year) & " " & CStr(month) & " " & CStr(day) & " " & CStr(hour)
End Function
'UTC转换为北京时间 函数可直接调用
Function BeijingToUTC(UTCyear As Long, UTCmonth As Long, UTCday As Long, UTChour As Long) As String
Dim year As Long, month As Long, day As Long, hour As Long, lastday As Long, lastlastday As Long
year = 0: month = 0: day = 0: hour = 0
lastday = 0 ' 月的最后一天日期
lastlastday = 0 '上月的最后一天日期
year = UTCyear
month = UTCmonth
day = UTCday
hour = UTChour - 8 'Beijing-8转换为UTC时间
If hour < 0 Then '当算出的时小于0:00时,应加上24:00,日期减一天
hour = hour + 24
day = day - 1
If day = 0 Then '当算出的日期等于0时,月份减一个月,应加上上月最后一天的日期
month = month - 1
If month = 0 Then '当算出的月份等于0,应加上12,年份减去1年
month = month + 12
year = year - 1
End If
If (month = 1 Or month = 3 Or month = 5 Or month = 7 Or month = 8 Or month = 10 Or month = 12) Then
lastday = 31
If month = 3 Then
If year Mod 400 = 0 Or (year Mod 4 = 0 And year Mod 100 <> 0) Then '判断是否为闰年
lastlastday = 29 '闰年的2月为29天,平年为28天
lastlastday = 28
End If
End If
If month = 8 Then
lastlastday = 31
End If
If month = 4 Or month = 6 Or month = 9 Or month = 11 Then
lastday = 30
lastlastday = 31
lastlastday = 31
If year Mod 400 = 0 Or (year Mod 4 = 0 And year Mod 100 <> 0) Then '闰年的2月为29天,平年为28天
lastday = 29
lastday = 28
End If
End If
End If
day = day + lastday
End If
End If
BeijingToUTC = CStr(year) & " " & CStr(month) & " " & CStr(day) & " " & CStr(hour)
End Function